Thursday, July 24, 2008

Of assignments and late nights

It's been a really long time since I last updated this blog, but as you guys (those that actually read the posts) can see from the title, there is a reason for it.

To tell you the truth, this is the first time for this term that I have stayed up to this time (that I am posting this post) <-- (sounds weird "posting this post"), to complete assignments. It's procrastination on my part and I will not lie about it. All the assignments that were rushed tonight were all part of a vicious cycle of:

1. I have tomorrow to do it.
2. I have the next day to do it.
x. I have the day before handing in to do it. (x being the numerical value of the number of days between the due date and the date I received the assignment)

In between the x number of days, some other assignment will pop up, and thus the cycle continues.

I need to do something about it. (But... that's what we all say)


Anonymous said...

i also had a time like that. When my pc broke and I was using my brother´s one I used to tell myself when my pc comes I will restart blogging. Then when I had it back sometime ago also was leaving posting for later. That´s something you have to do when something comes to your mind the other day it´s too late.

Mattan said...

Hi Deborah,

thanks for the visit first of all.

I guess procrastination is just something we all do, don't we?