Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Two poems to share today:

Untitled by Anonymous

What can make a mighty man fall to his knees?
What will make a struggling sinner find inner peace?
What, so strong, is able to crush the haughtiest man's pride?
What, so tender, can piece together a broken heart aright?
What can break the stubborn will of men who think they know
The path that life should follow, and what it should hold?
What illumines the star of joy, when darkness doth surround,
Uplifting sunken spirits when hope is nowhere to be found?
What can bond ten thousand men under a common love?
What will make twenty thousand kneel down to reach above?
What would case a man to give off all he can afford?
Nothing -
Nothing but the words of the Lord.

For All The Morrows by A.J. Flint

Has last year brought sadness?
Joy is yet in store.
Has it given gladness?
This year giveth more.
Let your Father measure
All your pain and care,
Let Him weigh the burden
That your heart must bear,
Sending light or shadow
As He deemeth best,
For in His sure wisdom
You can surely rest.
Peace for all the morrows,
Strength for all the days,
These shall be your portion
Through the New Year's ways.

Second one is quite an apt one, considering the period of time we are in right now. Forget resolutions and celebration, I'm just going to trust in my Lord for the year ahead. I will rest in His sure wisdom and put all my cares upon Him.

To the new year. To five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes of life ahead of me. With God by my side, I can do anything.

I just know it.

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