Monday, May 12, 2008

Saying no.

What's so bad about that?

What's so wrong about that?

What's so negative about that?

No, we can't just accept a criticism to ourselves and move on.

No, we can't just stand there, allowing someone to berate us and say nothing in return.

But what stops us from saying no?

Is it fear?

Is it this inherent fear that we might bring something worse upon ourselves?

Is it this nagging, uncontrollable, unending fear that we feel whenever we try to say no?

We have been taught not to be rude, not to defy our elders, not to respond in such a way that might show disrespect to authority.

We are berated, and scolded for defending against the accusations facing us everyday.

We are taught not to say no.

What is authority without people?

What is leadership without followers?

What is life without the people that live it?

Let us learn.

Let us learn how to do so.

Let us learn, to say no.

A dedication to you: the person who says no.

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