Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Blues

Yes, it is the first day of term 3, the first day of my last semester in Raffles Institution.

But it is also a Monday, and with Monday's come a lot of interesting things that happen to people.

1. People realise that it is a Monday, and start complaining about going back to school/work
2. Monday mornings are a drag and very very stone. Must be the reason for the slack day I had in school today :) or maybe the teachers just decided to be nice today
3. Then they realise (for students) that they have a lot of backlog of school work due on that Monday, and start PANICKING!!!
4. People do not read blogs that much as they are panicking over all of the above

Evidence for number 4? My unique blog visitors for Mondays dip 30%. That's counts for a lot to me considering the little number of visitors I get per week...

But what's great about Mondays?

It's only another 4 more days till the weekend.

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